Notification to all who took part in the recruitment process of the Vanuatu Police Force

The Vanuatu Police Force has completed the recent recruiting process and is pleased to announce that the first recruit class of 35 officers will be contacted in the coming days to commence at the Police Training College on 9 July 2018. A further 165 potential recruits have been identified as meeting the required standard for future recruit courses, and those applicants will be contacted as they are selected for recruit courses over the next 2 years. Noting that not all of the applicants selected as potential recruits will take up positions, there is the possibility that those identified could change, and as such the VPF is not in a position to publish lists of successful applicants. For this reason please do not contact the VPF asking if you were successful.

You will however be contacted if you did not meet the required standard to be considered for a recruit course – those notifications should be finalised by the end of July 2018. We thank all applicants who took the time to take part in the process and wish you well in the futureThe Vanuatu Police Force has completed the recent recruiting process and is pleased to announce that the first recruit class of 35 officers will be contacted in the coming days to commence at the Police Training College on 9 July 2018. A further 165 potential recruits have been identified as meeting the required standard for future recruit courses, and those applicants will be contacted as they are selected for recruit courses over the next 2 years. Noting that not all of the applicants selected as potential recruits will take up positions, there is the possibility that those identified could change, and as such the VPF is not in a position to publish lists of successful applicants. For this reason please do not contact the VPF asking if you were successful.

You will however be contacted if you did not meet the required standard to be considered for a recruit course – those notifications should be finalised by the end of July 2018. We thank all applicants who took the time to take part in the process and wish you well in the future

Narafala Development Long Vanuatu Polis Force.

DSC04942DSC04949Time Technology hemi stap change , wanwan organization too hemi mas  adapt long ol changes we I stap tekem ples today.

Long 25th June 2018, Vanuatu Police Force , hemi makem wan more development ,taem Commisioner blong Polis , Mr Albert Nalphini mo Mr Paul Molu I signem wan agreement blong wok tugeta blong setemup Fire arms Registry system blong Vanuatu Polis Force.

Signing blong agreement ia hemi tekem ples long Conference room blong Polis Commissioner.

System ia bae hemi kivim VPF wan proper Fire Arms registry system we bae I mekem I easy blong monitorem ol sale , Location mo ol narafala important information concernem Fire Arms long Vanuatu.

Vanuatu Polis Force bae hemi hirem Mr Paul Molu we hemi wan IT Developer blong 60 days blong completim work ia.


DSC04903RVS Tukoro has arrived safely at Mala Base at around 1420 on 22 June 2018 with rescued passengers from Tina 1. Tina 1 was reported to be broken down and in distress, drifting at Moso Island that morning. The passengers on board the Tina1 were also Police officers and VMF officers who have completed their rotations on the island of Ambae. (OPS VUI)

RVS Tukoro sailed early that morning to render assistance to the vessel and ensure the safety of the passengers and crew. Tug Roimata towed the vessel into Port Vila, while Tukoro has embarked all passengers to ensure their safe transfer to Port Vila.

This is another excellent example of swift and efficient actions by the Police Maritime Wing in responding to a domestic maritime safety incident.

Their dedication to duty and highly professional conduct is protecting the lives of those who work and travel by sea.DSC04907DSC04918

New Force Sergeant Major

DSC04828Vanuatu POlis Fos hemi gat wan newfala Force Sergeant Major( FSM).
Long Custom blong VPF , Hemi mas oltaem gat wan FSM we bae i take care long Discipline blong Force, responsible long ol ceremonial activiities, work closap wetem Commissioner blong POlis mo Commander VMF, Conductem ol meetings long 3 fala elements inside long Fos mo conductem ol seminar regardem discipline.

Ceremony blong handem ova stick blong FSM hemi tekm ples long VMF Gym tudei long Morning we i lukim former FSM we hemi Collin William tugeta wetem Commander VMF i dressem up newfala FSM we hemi Joshua Junior Bong .

Posiiton blong wan FSM hemi the only rank we hemi warrant officer class 1 inside long Fos.

Former FSM we hemi Collin William hemi serve olsem wan FSM blong 8 years mo hemi wan long taem serving officer long rank ia.
Duration blong wan FSM hemi 2 to 3 years. Long history blong VPF FSM Joshua Junior Bong hemi namba 6th FSM mo hemi the youngest FSM we hemi gat 33 years mo hemi serve inside long Fos blong 14 years .

Future intention blong hem olsem wan FSM hemi blong liaise wetem station sergeant long POlis mo long POlice Maritime wing blong gat wan standard discipline we bae i lukluk bigwan blong bringem back Discipline inside long Fos.

Long ceremony ia Police Commissioner tugeta wetem Commander VMF i witnessim mo kivim ol toktok blong tankiu
Long Former FSM mo encouragement long newfala FSM .
Mo semtaem pointemout Fudamental role blong FSM.

Police non-emergency:

Port Vila 22 222

Santo 36 222

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