
Vanuatu Police Force - VPF

The VPF is mandated in the Police Act Cap 105 and its core functions are written as follows:

  • the preservation of the Peace and the maintenance of order
  • the protection of life and property
  • the enforcement of Laws
  • the prevention and detection of offences and the production of offenders before the courts
  • such other duties as maybe described by law.


β€œA modern and professional Police Force united in delivering an effective policing service, in partnership with our communities for a safe and secure Vanuatu.”


β€œTo protect and defend our people, property and borders by the detection and prevention of crime through law enforcement in partnership with our national and international communities.
We enable this through strong leadership by:

  • developing a disciplined, skilled and capable workforce
  • using modern equipment, systems and facilities
  • continuously striving toward best practice in management and policing.”


  • Accountability - We are all responsible for our work results, personal actions and are answerable for outcomes.
  • Integrity - We are upright, honest and respectful in our approach to others, our work and ourselves.
  • Teamwork - We value working together to achieve shared results.
  • Trust - We have faith, confidence and are able to rely and depend on others.
  • Equality - We value equal treatment of all people according to the rule of law, and we address inequalities and ensure equitable access to opportunity for our employees through merit-based principles.
  • Discipline - We perform our duties in a professional manner adhering to our Code of Conduct.
  • Excellence - We strive for continual improvement and high standards in our services internally and externally.

Code of Ethics

  • Uphold the Law, preserve the peace and maintain good orders
  • Respect Human Rights and individual freedom
  • Always behave with honesty and have high moral standards
  • Work closely with the community to protect life and property
  • Manage VPF resources efficiently and effectively
  • Act with fairness to all they deal with
  • Maintain confidentiality of police records
  • Provide polite and courteous service to all those they have dealings with
  • Exercise self-discipline, be responsible for their actions and accountable for orders given to others
  • Treat all persons equally regardless of their gender, religion or birthplace
  • Show respect for custom law and the culture of Vanuatu

Police non-emergency:

Port Vila 22 222

Santo 36 222

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