
7 VMF Engineers Receives their Certificate in Carpentry

The seven VMF Engineers stepped forward with pride to receive their Certificate in Carpentry at the APTC on the 24th   February 2022.

These seven officers have graduated with a cert.lll in carpentry after spending over six months at the APTC to further their studies in carpentry.

These officers of six male and one female we sponsored by the Vanuatu Australian Defence Cooperation program in Vanuatu to continue with their studies.

The skills learned in the course will support the VMF to deliver its important humanitarian assistance and disaster relief function, including restoring essential services to communities after a disaster.

 Director General to the ministry of Internal Affairs, Mrs Cherol Ala, who is the keynote speaker of this important ceremony, encourages the graduates with helpful thoughts to strengthen them while serving the pipol of Vanuatu.

 “It is a moment of Pride, your achievement today is for the people of Vanuatu to make a change in the near future,” Mrs Ala said 

 The Acting Commander VMF, Karlshem Bongran, and his senior officers to show their capability that VMF is ready to utilise this officers to serve our nation witnessed the graduation ceremony.

 “ I am grateful for the continuous support  that the Defence Corporation Program in Vanuatu is continually supporting my officers in sponsoring them to further their studies to gain more knowledge  to serve the people of Vanuatu with pride ,” Said Commander VMF .

 Miss Janelle Chapman, the executive Director of APTC congratulate the VMF Female officer who under take the Carpentry course while giving out her speech during the graduation ceremony

“I am pleased to hear that there is an energetic VMF female officer who was also amongst the six male to undertake the carpentry course,” Mrs Chapman said

The seven graduates were so thankful and appreciate all that they gone through during their studies, to help then acquire more knowledge and skills.

“We are so fortunate to learn more ideas to improve our knowledge on the skills to serve the people of Vanuatu,” said Private Sera Bule Joseph, the female VMF Engineers officer.

 The Vanuatu Police Force would like to thank the Australian Government for the ongoing programs that they have in place to help the Vanuatu Police Force.

“We would like to thank the Australian Defence corporation program in supporting the VMF Officers to further their studies,” Acting Commander VMF Said.

This graduation ceremony is another achievement within the VPF.


Crime Prevention

Another busy month of 2021 that we engage with our busy schedule that keep as busy to accomplished our goals and objectives. The Crime Prevention team has engaged in many activities including priorities and supplementary throughout the month of November. Activities came with challenges that we have to be mindful when conducting them. We refer to a major challenge of COVID 19 that we are experiencing at present. Below are detail activities that conducted by the CPO team over the mentioned month. Awareness Activities COVID 19 CPO continuously conducted quarantine awareness to the repatriates as a supplementary tasking to normal office activities. It is the government’s intention for any individual coming into the country must be quarantined to help prevent the country from COVID 19. Our duty is to enforce the laws put in place and to provide awareness to repatriates on the quarantine rules that must be applied. The team has visited the sites and conducted awareness to the people and warn them on the penalties of breaking the quarantine rules. Reminders on the use of protective equipment’s are also made and the healthy measures also mentioned. Community: Community visit and awareness has also been conducting during the month of November. The team has visited some community during a tour that was facilitated by the Stretem Rod Blo Jastis. It is an ongoing program that is involving different stakeholders including police. The objective of the visiting the communities is to educate the people with some basic understanding of the laws of Vanuatu and make them aware of different acts that governs family affairs, drugs and others. School visit and awareness It is one of our priority to educate school children with some basic knowledge of laws of the country. It is our duty to make arrangements to visit and conduct awareness in schools around Port Vila. The team has visited and conduct awareness in several schools. Topics presented are on the safety of individuals, comply with school rules and respect each other. Tours Crime Prevention team have involved in some tours for crime prevention awareness. First tour was made to Futuna island in Tafea province. The tour was in-line with a request made by the chiefs and leaders in Futuna for crime prevention awareness in their communities and school. This is because of some illegal activities that is identified by the members. Also, the tour involved Commander Tafea patrol as a follow-up on the sites allocated to the police for police post in Futuna. Meeting: Crime prevention through national coordinator has organised a stakeholders meeting in Port Vila. The intentions were to locate and identify the roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder on how they can assist the police address crime issues. The stakeholders include, Port Vila Youth Council, Port Vila Council of Women, Port Vila Council of Chiefs, Shefa education, Port Vila Municipal Council and Port Vila Christian Council. There were numerous discussions around the roles and responsibilities and the challenges face by the stakeholders.

Business Plan Budget Meeting 2019

Acting Commissioner of Police made a statement this morning at the opening of the VPF Business Plan Budget meeting at the Aquana resort.

In his statement, he highlighted some important Policy decisions and directions that will soon be implemented, as it is very important to help the VPF shape a way forward in addressing the security challenges and risks and at the same time build on opportunities that are currently present.

New Recruit Inspection

Director of the Police College conduct an Inspection to the 2nd intake of the2019 recruitment at the Police training college.

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